Q: Your website says you are a “team dealer,” are you also open to the public?

A: Yes! We have a storefront at 3018 Galleria Drive, one block off of Causeway, across from LCMC. Everyone is welcome to come in and shop for every sport and if you don’t find what you are looking for, we will do our best to order it for you.

Q: Do I need to bring my son/daughter into the store to purchase a helmet?

A: Yes, we custom fit every helmet to ensure proper sizing for safety.

Q: What else can you provide to help our team?

A: Teams on every level from high school to little league to cheer/dance teams love our “player packs!” The coach or moderator contacts us to put together a list of items such as uniforms, pants, shorts, practice uniforms, sweatshirts, shoes, socks, belts and even parent fan gear!

Q: Do you sell custom jerseys and uniforms for teams?

A: Yes, that’s one of our specialties! We can outfit any sports team at many different price points.

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